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Prof Finder
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Prof Finder
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Prof Finder
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NGL Feature
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Prof Finder
Easily find professors and instructors at CvSU.
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Prof Finder
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Global & Campus Chats
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User Tagging
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NGL Feature
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Prof Finder
Easily find professors and instructors at CvSU.
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Global & Campus Chats
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User Tagging
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NGL Feature
Send anonymous messages with our NGL feature.
Prof Finder
Easily find professors and instructors at CvSU.
An Interactive Campus Tour for Cavite State University Don Severino Delas Alas Campus.
Augmented Reality for CvSU Ladislao N. Diwa Memorial Library
A Speech Command HCI Design for Google Chrome
One Stop Online Voting Solution
An Android-Based Mobile Augmented Reality Application for Interactive Experience at CvSU Historical and Cultural Museum
A Bidirectional Swardspeak and Tagalog Translator
We are a group of passionate Computer Science students at Cavite State University - Main Campus.
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